/******************************************************************************************************************** * PopBox.js, v2.7a Copyright (c) 2009, C6 Software, Inc. (http://www.c6software.com/) * PopBox is released under the Creative Commons GNU GPL license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/) * and is free to use in both commercial and non-commercial work, provided this header remains at the top. * The latest version and documentation can be found at http://www.c6software.com/products/popbox/default.aspx. * Questions and suggestions can be sent to john.reid@c6software.com. Please put "PopBox" somewhere in the * email subject so I can easily filter. Send me your URL and I may post it! * PopBox relies on many methods from Danny Goodman's (www.dannyg.com) javascript library DHTMLAPI.js * and his books, without which scores of web developers would be totally lost. Thanks Danny. ********************************************************************************************************************/ // Seek nested NN4 layer from string name function SeekLayer(doc, name) { var theObj; for (var i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++) { if (doc.layers[i].name == name) { theObj = doc.layers[i]; break; } // dive into nested layers if necessary if (doc.layers[i].document.layers.length > 0) { theObj = SeekLayer(document.layers[i].document, name); } } return theObj; } // Convert object name string or object reference into a valid element object reference function GetRawObject(obj) { var theObj; if (typeof obj == "string") { var isCSS = (document.body && document.body.style) ? true : false; if (isCSS && document.getElementById) { theObj = document.getElementById(obj); } else if (isCSS && document.all) { theObj = document.all(obj); } else if (document.layers) { theObj = SeekLayer(document, obj); } } else { // pass through object reference theObj = obj; } return theObj; } // Return the available content width and height space in browser window function GetInsideWindowSize() { if (window.innerWidth) { return {x:window.innerWidth, y:window.innerHeight}; } else { var baseArray = document.getElementsByTagName("base"); if (baseArray.length == 0) { if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS1") >= 0) { return {x:document.body.parentNode.clientWidth, y:document.body.parentNode.clientHeight}; } else if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) { return {x:document.body.clientWidth, y:document.body.clientHeight}; } } else { if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) { return {x:document.body.clientWidth, y:document.body.clientHeight}; } else if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS1") >= 0) { return {x:document.body.parentNode.clientWidth, y:document.body.parentNode.clientHeight}; } } } return {x:0, y:0}; } // Retrieve the padding around an object function GetObjectPadding(obj) { var elem = GetRawObject(obj); var l = 0; var r = 0; var t = 0; var b = 0; if (elem.currentStyle) { if (elem.currentStyle.paddingLeft) l = parseInt(elem.currentStyle.paddingLeft, 10); if (elem.currentStyle.paddingRight) r = parseInt(elem.currentStyle.paddingRight, 10); if (elem.currentStyle.paddingTop) t = parseInt(elem.currentStyle.paddingTop, 10); if (elem.currentStyle.paddingBottom) b = parseInt(elem.currentStyle.paddingBottom, 10); } else if (window.getComputedStyle) { l = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(elem,null).paddingLeft, 10); r = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(elem,null).paddingRight, 10); t = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(elem,null).paddingTop, 10); b = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(elem,null).paddingBottom, 10); } if (isNaN(l) == true) l = 0; if (isNaN(r) == true) r = 0; if (isNaN(t) == true) t = 0; if (isNaN(b) == true) b = 0; return {l:(l),r:(r),t:(t),b:(b)}; } // Retrieve the rendered size of an element function GetObjectSize(obj) { var elem = GetRawObject(obj); var w = 0; var h = 0; if (elem.offsetWidth) { w = elem.offsetWidth; h = elem.offsetHeight; } else if (elem.clip && elem.clip.width) { w = elem.clip.width; h = elem.clip.height; } else if (elem.style && elem.style.pixelWidth) { w = elem.style.pixelWidth; h = elem.style.pixelHeight; } w = parseInt(w, 10); h = parseInt(h, 10); // remove any original element padding var padding = GetObjectPadding(elem); w -= (padding.l + padding.r); h -= (padding.t + padding.b); return {w:(w), h:(h)}; } // Return the element position in the page, not it's parent container function GetElementPosition(obj) { var elem = GetRawObject(obj); var left = 0; var top = 0; // add any original element padding var elemPadding = GetObjectPadding(elem); left = elemPadding.l; top = elemPadding.t; if (elem.offsetParent) { left += elem.offsetLeft; top += elem.offsetTop; var parent = elem.offsetParent; while (parent) { left += parent.offsetLeft; top += parent.offsetTop; if (parent.style && parent.style.overflow && parent.style.overflow != "") { left -= parent.scrollLeft; top -= parent.scrollTop; } var parentTagName = parent.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (parentTagName != "table" && parentTagName != "body" && parentTagName != "html" && parentTagName != "div" && parent.clientTop && parent.clientLeft) { left += parent.clientLeft; top += parent.clientTop; } parent = parent.offsetParent; } } else if (elem.left && elem.top) { left = elem.left; top = elem.top; } else { if (elem.x) left = elem.x; if (elem.y) top = elem.y; } return {x:left, y:top}; } // return the number of pixels the scrollbar has moved the visible window function GetScrollOffset() { if (window.pageYOffset) { return {x:window.pageXOffset, y:window.pageYOffset}; } else if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS1") >= 0) { return {x:document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y:document.documentElement.scrollTop}; } else if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) { return {x:document.body.scrollLeft, y:document.body.scrollTop}; } return {x:0, y:0}; } function CreateRandomId() { var randomNum = 0.0; while (randomNum == 0.0) randomNum = Math.random(); var random = randomNum + ""; return "id" + random.substr(2); } function MouseMoveRevert(e) { if (pbMouseMoveRevert != null && pbMouseMoveRevert.length != 0) { var evt = (e) ? e : window.event; var mouse = {x:0, y:0}; if (evt.pageX || evt.pageY) { mouse.x = evt.pageX; mouse.y = evt.pageY; } else if (evt.clientX || evt.clientY) { var scroll = GetScrollOffset(); mouse.x = evt.clientX + scroll.x; mouse.y = evt.clientY + scroll.y; } for (var x = 0; x < pbMouseMoveRevert.length;) { if (pbMouseMoveRevert[x] != null) { var id = pbMouseMoveRevert[x].id; if (typeof popBox[id] != "undefined" && popBox[id] != null && popBox[id].hTarg != 0) { // if the mouse is outside the box then call revert if (mouse.x < popBox[id].xTarg || mouse.x > (popBox[id].xTarg + popBox[id].wTarg) || mouse.y < popBox[id].yTarg || mouse.y > (popBox[id].yTarg + popBox[id].hTarg)) { var className = pbMouseMoveRevert[x].className; pbMouseMoveRevert.splice(x, 1); Revert(id, null, className); continue; } } } x++; } } } // holds numerous properties related to position, size and motion var popBox = new Array(); var popBoxIds = new Array(); // holds positioning value for the z axis var popBoxZ = 100; // holds the popped image for each tag with a pbsrc attribute var pbSrc = new Array(); // holds the popbar function for each tag with a pbShowPopBar attribute var pbPopBarFunc = new Array(); // holds the array of image ids for onmousemove Revert calls var pbMouseMoveRevert = null; // add initialization to window.onload if (typeof window.onload == 'function') { var func = window.onload; window.onload = function(){func();InitPbSrc();InitPbPopBar();}; } else { window.onload = function(){InitPbSrc();InitPbPopBar();}; } // loads all the popped src images function InitPbSrc() { var images = null; if (document.body) { if (document.body.getElementsByTagName) images = document.body.getElementsByTagName("img"); else if (document.body.all) images = document.body.all.tags("img"); } if (images != null) { for (var x = 0; x < images.length; x++) { var poppedSrc = images[x].getAttribute('pbSrc'); if (poppedSrc != null) { if (images[x].id == "") images[x].id = CreateRandomId(); if (pbSrc[images[x].id] == null) { pbSrc[images[x].id] = new Image(); pbSrc[images[x].id].src = poppedSrc; } } } } } // adds PopBar to images function InitPbPopBar() { var images = null; if (document.body) { if (document.body.getElementsByTagName) images = document.body.getElementsByTagName("img"); else if (document.body.all) images = document.body.all.tags("img"); } if (images != null) { var imgArray = new Array(); for (var x = 0; x < images.length; x++) { if (images[x].id == "") images[x].id = CreateRandomId(); imgArray[x] = images[x]; } for (var x = 0; x < imgArray.length; x++) CreatePopBar(imgArray[x]); } } // initialize default popbox object function InitPopBox(obj) { obj = GetRawObject(obj); if (typeof popBox[obj.id] != "undefined" && popBox[obj.id] != null) return obj; var parent = document.body; if (obj.id == "") obj.id = CreateRandomId(); var elem = obj; var startPos = GetElementPosition(elem); var initSize = GetObjectSize(elem); if (elem.style.position == "absolute" || elem.style.position == "relative") { parent = elem.parentNode; startPos.x = parseInt(elem.style.left, 10); startPos.y = parseInt(elem.style.top, 10); } // if there is a pbsrc then create that, else if it's not absolute or relative then create a copy if (pbSrc[elem.id] != null || (elem.style.position != "absolute" && elem.style.position != "relative")) { var strSrc = (pbSrc[elem.id] != null) ? pbSrc[elem.id].src : elem.src; var img = null; try{img = document.createElement("");} catch(ex){img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = strSrc;} // copy image properties img.border = elem.border; img.className = elem.className; img.height = elem.height; img.id = "popcopy" + elem.id; img.alt = elem.alt; img.title = elem.title; img.width = elem.width; img.onclick = elem.onclick; img.ondblclick = elem.ondblclick; img.onmouseout = elem.onmouseout; // remove event so the object doesn't jump elem.onmouseout = null; img.style.width = initSize.w; img.style.height = initSize.h; img.style.position = "absolute"; img.style.left = startPos.x + "px"; img.style.top = startPos.y + "px"; img.style.cursor = elem.style.cursor; parent.appendChild(img); elem.style.visibility = "hidden"; elem = img; } popBoxIds.push(elem.id); popBox[elem.id] = { elemId:elem.id, xCurr:0.0, yCurr:0.0, xTarg:0.0, yTarg:0.0, wCurr:0.0, hCurr:0.0, wTarg:0.0, hTarg:0.0, xStep:0.0, yStep:0.0, wStep:0.0, hStep:0.0, xDelta:0.0, yDelta:0.0, wDelta:0.0, hDelta:0.0, xTravel:0.0, yTravel:0.0, wTravel:0.0, hTravel:0.0, velM:1.0, velS:1.0, interval:null, isAnimating:false, xOriginal:startPos.x, yOriginal:startPos.y, wOriginal:parseFloat(initSize.w), hOriginal:parseFloat(initSize.h), isPopped:false, fnClick:null, fnDone:null, fnPre:null, originalId:null, cursor:"" }; if (typeof obj.onclick == "function") { popBox[elem.id].fnClick = elem.onclick; if (popBoxAutoClose == true && (typeof obj.ondblclick != "function" || obj.ondblclick == null) && typeof obj.onmouseover != "function") elem.ondblclick = function(){Revert(elem.id, null, elem.className);}; } if (popBoxAutoClose == true && typeof obj.onmouseover == "function" && (typeof obj.onmouseout != "function" || obj.onmouseout == null)) { if (popBoxMouseMoveRevert == true) { if (pbMouseMoveRevert == null) { pbMouseMoveRevert = new Array(); if (typeof document.onmousemove == 'function') { var func = document.onmousemove; document.onmousemove = function(e){func(e);MouseMoveRevert(e);}; } else { document.onmousemove = MouseMoveRevert; } } pbMouseMoveRevert.push({id:elem.id, className:elem.className}); } else { elem.onmouseout = function(){Revert(elem.id, null, elem.className);}; } } if (obj.id != elem.id) popBox[elem.id].originalId = obj.id; return elem; } // calculate next steps and assign to style properties function DoPopBox(elem) { if (typeof elem == "string") elem = GetRawObject(elem); try { var bMDone = false; var bSDone = false; if ((popBox[elem.id].xTravel + Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].xStep)) < popBox[elem.id].xDelta) { var x = popBox[elem.id].xCurr + popBox[elem.id].xStep; elem.style.left = parseInt(x, 10) + "px"; popBox[elem.id].xTravel += Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].xStep); popBox[elem.id].xCurr = x; } else { popBox[elem.id].xTravel += Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].xStep); elem.style.left = parseInt(popBox[elem.id].xTarg, 10) + "px"; bMDone = true; } if ((popBox[elem.id].yTravel + Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].yStep)) < popBox[elem.id].yDelta) { var y = popBox[elem.id].yCurr + popBox[elem.id].yStep; elem.style.top = parseInt(y, 10) + "px"; popBox[elem.id].yTravel += Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].yStep); popBox[elem.id].yCurr = y; bMDone = false; } else { popBox[elem.id].yTravel += Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].yStep); elem.style.top = parseInt(popBox[elem.id].yTarg, 10) + "px"; } if ((popBox[elem.id].wTravel + Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].wStep)) < popBox[elem.id].wDelta) { var w = popBox[elem.id].wCurr + popBox[elem.id].wStep; elem.style.width = parseInt(w, 10) + "px"; popBox[elem.id].wTravel += Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].wStep); popBox[elem.id].wCurr = w; } else { popBox[elem.id].wTravel += Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].wStep); elem.style.width = parseInt(popBox[elem.id].wTarg, 10) + "px"; bSDone = true; } if ((popBox[elem.id].hTravel + Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].hStep)) < popBox[elem.id].hDelta) { var h = popBox[elem.id].hCurr + popBox[elem.id].hStep; elem.style.height = parseInt(h, 10) + "px"; popBox[elem.id].hTravel += Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].hStep); popBox[elem.id].hCurr = h; bSDone = false; } else { popBox[elem.id].hTravel += Math.abs(popBox[elem.id].hStep); elem.style.height = parseInt(popBox[elem.id].hTarg, 10) + "px"; } var obj = elem; if (bMDone == true && bSDone == true) { clearInterval(popBox[elem.id].interval); elem.style.cursor = popBox[elem.id].cursor; var func = null; if (popBox[elem.id].fnDone != null && typeof popBox[elem.id].fnDone == "function") func = popBox[elem.id].fnDone; if (popBox[elem.id].isPopped == true) { elem.style.zIndex = ""; if (popBox[elem.id].originalId != null) { obj = GetRawObject(popBox[elem.id].originalId); obj.onmouseout = elem.onmouseout; // copy method back to original obj.style.visibility = "visible"; // remove the copied object from the body and the array elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); } else { elem.style.width = parseInt(popBox[elem.id].wOriginal, 10) + "px"; elem.style.height = parseInt(popBox[elem.id].hOriginal, 10) + "px"; if (typeof popBox[elem.id].fnClick == "function") elem.onclick = popBox[elem.id].fnClick; } delete popBox[elem.id]; popBox[elem.id] = null; CreatePopBar(obj); } else { popBox[elem.id].isPopped = true; popBox[elem.id].isAnimating = false; CreateRevertBar(elem); } if (func != null && typeof func == "function") func(obj); } } catch(ex){} } function HasRevertBar(obj) { if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); var elem = obj; if (popBox[elem.id] != null && popBox[elem.id].originalId != null) elem = GetRawObject(popBox[elem.id].originalId); var pbShowBar = elem.getAttribute('pbShowRevertBar'); var pbShowText = elem.getAttribute('pbShowRevertText'); var pbShowImage = elem.getAttribute('pbShowRevertImage'); pbShowBar = (pbShowBar != null) ? (pbShowBar == "true" || pbShowBar == true) : popBoxShowRevertBar; pbShowText = (pbShowText != null) ? (pbShowText == "true" || pbShowText == true) : popBoxShowRevertText; pbShowImage = (pbShowImage != null) ? (pbShowImage == "true" || pbShowImage == true) : popBoxShowRevertImage; return (pbShowBar || pbShowText || pbShowImage); } function HasCaption(obj) { if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); var elem = obj; if (popBox[elem.id] != null && popBox[elem.id].originalId != null) elem = GetRawObject(popBox[elem.id].originalId); var pbShowCaption = elem.getAttribute('pbShowCaption'); pbShowCaption = (pbShowCaption != null) ? (pbShowCaption == "true" || pbShowCaption == true) : popBoxShowCaption; var pbCaption = null; if (pbShowCaption == true) { pbCaption = elem.getAttribute('pbCaption'); if (pbCaption == null && elem.title != "") pbCaption = elem.title; } return (pbCaption != null && pbCaption != ""); } function CreateRevertBar(obj) { if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); var elem = obj; if (popBox[elem.id] != null && popBox[elem.id].originalId != null) elem = GetRawObject(popBox[elem.id].originalId); var pbShowBar = elem.getAttribute('pbShowRevertBar'); var pbShowText = elem.getAttribute('pbShowRevertText'); var pbShowImage = elem.getAttribute('pbShowRevertImage'); var pbText = elem.getAttribute('pbRevertText'); var pbImage = elem.getAttribute('pbRevertImage'); pbShowBar = (pbShowBar != null) ? (pbShowBar == "true" || pbShowBar == true) : popBoxShowRevertBar; pbShowText = (pbShowText != null) ? (pbShowText == "true" || pbShowText == true) : popBoxShowRevertText; pbShowImage = (pbShowImage != null) ? (pbShowImage == "true" || pbShowImage == true) : popBoxShowRevertImage; if (pbText == null) pbText = popBoxRevertText; if (pbImage == null) pbImage = popBoxRevertImage; var pbShowCaption = elem.getAttribute('pbShowCaption'); pbShowCaption = (pbShowCaption != null) ? (pbShowCaption == "true" || pbShowCaption == true) : popBoxShowCaption; var pbCaption = null; if (pbShowCaption == true) { pbCaption = elem.getAttribute('pbCaption'); if (pbCaption == null && elem.title != "") pbCaption = elem.title; } CreatePbBar(obj, pbShowBar, pbShowText, pbShowImage, pbText, pbImage, popBoxRevertBarAbove, true, pbCaption) } function CreatePopBar(obj) { if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); if (typeof pbPopBarFunc[obj.id] != 'undefined' && pbPopBarFunc[obj.id] != null) return; var pbShowBar = obj.getAttribute('pbShowPopBar'); if (pbShowBar != null) { var pbShowText = obj.getAttribute('pbShowPopText'); var pbShowImage = obj.getAttribute('pbShowPopImage'); var pbText = obj.getAttribute('pbPopText'); var pbImage = obj.getAttribute('pbPopImage'); pbShowBar = (pbShowBar == "true" || pbShowBar == true); pbShowText = (pbShowText != null) ? (pbShowText == "true" || pbShowText == true) : popBoxShowPopText; pbShowImage = (pbShowImage != null) ? (pbShowImage == "true" || pbShowImage == true) : popBoxShowPopImage; if (pbText == null) pbText = popBoxPopText; if (pbImage == null) pbImage = popBoxPopImage; CreatePbBar(obj, pbShowBar, pbShowText, pbShowImage, pbText, pbImage, popBoxPopBarAbove, false, null) } } function CreatePbBar(obj, pbShowBar, pbShowText, pbShowImage, pbText, pbImage, pbBarAbove, isRevert, pbCaption) { if (pbShowBar == false && pbShowText == false && pbShowImage == false && pbCaption == null) return; if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); var objCursor = "hand"; if (obj.currentStyle) objCursor = obj.currentStyle.cursor; else if (window.getComputedStyle) objCursor = window.getComputedStyle(obj,null).cursor; var fnClick = function(){if (typeof obj.onclick == 'function') obj.onclick();}; var fnMouseOut = function(){if (typeof obj.onmouseout == 'function') obj.onmouseout();}; var fnMouseOver = function(){if (typeof obj.onmouseover == 'function') obj.onmouseover();}; var fnRemove = new Array(); var isPositioned = (obj.style.position == "absolute" || obj.style.position == "relative"); var left = 0; var top = 0; var parentNode = obj.parentNode; var objSpan = null; if (isPositioned == true) { left = parseInt(obj.style.left, 10); top = parseInt(obj.style.top, 10); var padding = GetObjectPadding(obj); left += padding.l; top += padding.t; } else { objSpan = document.createElement("span"); objSpan = (obj.nextSibling != null) ? parentNode.insertBefore(objSpan, obj.nextSibling) : parentNode.appendChild(objSpan); objSpan.style.position = "relative"; objSpan.style.left = "0px"; objSpan.style.top = "0px"; var floatValue = ""; if (obj.align == "left") floatValue = "left"; else if (obj.align == "right") floatValue = "right"; floatValue = (obj.style.styleFloat && obj.style.styleFloat != "") ? obj.style.styleFloat : (obj.style.cssFloat && obj.style.cssFloat != "") ? obj.style.cssFloat : floatValue; if (typeof obj.style.styleFloat != "undefined") objSpan.style.styleFloat = floatValue; else if (typeof obj.style.cssFloat != "undefined") objSpan.style.cssFloat = floatValue; var imgPos = GetElementPosition(obj); var spanPos = GetElementPosition(objSpan); objSpan.style.left = (imgPos.x - spanPos.x) + "px"; objSpan.style.top = (floatValue != "") ? "1px" : (imgPos.y - spanPos.y) + "px"; parentNode = objSpan; } var width = parseInt(obj.style.width, 10); var height = parseInt(obj.style.height, 10); var size = GetObjectSize(obj); if (isNaN(width) == true) width = size.w; else if (size.w > width) left += ((size.w - width) / 2); if (isNaN(height) == true) height = size.h; else if (size.h > height) top += ((size.h - height) / 2); if (pbBarAbove == true) top -= 20; var z = obj.style.zIndex + 1; if (pbShowBar == true) { var divTrans = document.createElement("div"); divTrans.id = "popBoxDivTrans" + z; divTrans.style.width = width + "px"; divTrans.style.height = "20px"; divTrans.style.borderStyle = "none"; divTrans.style.padding = "0px"; divTrans.style.margin = "0px"; divTrans.style.position = "absolute"; divTrans.style.left = left + "px"; divTrans.style.top = top + "px"; divTrans.style.backgroundColor = "#000000"; divTrans.style.cursor = objCursor; divTrans.style.zIndex = z; if (pbBarAbove == false) { if (typeof divTrans.style.filter != 'undefined') divTrans.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=20)"; if (typeof divTrans.style.opacity != 'undefined') divTrans.style.opacity = "0.2"; } divTrans.onclick = fnClick; if (isRevert == true) divTrans.onmouseout = fnMouseOut; else divTrans.onmouseover = fnMouseOver; parentNode.appendChild(divTrans); fnRemove.push(function(){divTrans.parentNode.removeChild(divTrans);}); } if (pbShowText == true) { var divText = document.createElement("div"); divText.id = "popBoxDivText" + z; divText.style.width = width + "px"; divText.style.height = "20px"; divText.style.borderStyle = "none"; divText.style.padding = "0px"; divText.style.margin = "0px"; divText.style.position = "absolute"; divText.style.left = left + "px"; divText.style.top = top + "px"; divText.style.cursor = objCursor; divText.style.textAlign = "center"; divText.style.fontFamily = "Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif"; divText.style.fontSize = "10pt"; divText.style.backgroundColor = "Transparent"; divText.style.color = "#ffffff"; divText.style.zIndex = z; divText.innerHTML = pbText; divText.onclick = fnClick; if (isRevert == true) divText.onmouseout = fnMouseOut; else divText.onmouseover = fnMouseOver; parentNode.appendChild(divText); fnRemove.push(function(){divText.parentNode.removeChild(divText);}); } if (pbShowImage == true) { var imgPopped = null; try{imgPopped = document.createElement("");} catch(ex){imgPopped = document.createElement("img"); imgPopped.src = pbImage;} imgPopped.id = "popBoxImgPopped" + z; imgPopped.style.width = "20px"; imgPopped.style.height = "20px"; imgPopped.style.borderStyle = "none"; imgPopped.style.padding = "0px"; imgPopped.style.margin = "0px"; imgPopped.style.position = "absolute"; imgPopped.style.left = (left + width - 20) + "px"; imgPopped.style.top = top + "px"; imgPopped.style.cursor = objCursor; imgPopped.style.zIndex = z; imgPopped.onclick = fnClick; if (isRevert == true) imgPopped.onmouseout = fnMouseOut; else imgPopped.onmouseover = fnMouseOver; parentNode.appendChild(imgPopped); fnRemove.push(function(){imgPopped.parentNode.removeChild(imgPopped);}); } if (pbCaption != null && pbCaption != "") { top += (height - 20); if (pbBarAbove == true) top += 20; if (popBoxCaptionBelow == true) top += 20; var divCapTrans = document.createElement("div"); divCapTrans.id = "popBoxDivCapTrans" + z; divCapTrans.style.width = width - 2 + "px"; divCapTrans.style.height = "20px"; divCapTrans.style.borderStyle = "solid"; divCapTrans.style.borderWidth = "1px"; divCapTrans.style.borderColor = "#999999"; divCapTrans.style.padding = "0px"; divCapTrans.style.margin = "0px"; divCapTrans.style.position = "absolute"; divCapTrans.style.left = left + "px"; divCapTrans.style.top = top - 1 + "px"; divCapTrans.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffdd"; divCapTrans.style.zIndex = z; if (popBoxCaptionBelow == false) { if (typeof divCapTrans.style.filter != 'undefined') divCapTrans.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=70)"; if (typeof divCapTrans.style.opacity != 'undefined') divCapTrans.style.opacity = "0.7"; } parentNode.appendChild(divCapTrans); fnRemove.push(function(){divCapTrans.parentNode.removeChild(divCapTrans);}); var divCapText = document.createElement("div"); divCapText.id = "popBoxDivCapText" + z; divCapText.style.width = width - 20 + "px"; divCapText.style.height = "20px"; divCapText.style.borderStyle = "none"; divCapText.style.padding = "0px"; divCapText.style.margin = "0px"; divCapText.style.position = "absolute"; divCapText.style.left = left + 10 + "px"; divCapText.style.top = top + "px"; divCapText.style.textAlign = "center"; divCapText.style.fontFamily = "Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif"; divCapText.style.fontSize = "10pt"; divCapText.style.overflowY = "hidden"; divCapText.style.backgroundColor = "Transparent"; divCapText.style.color = "#000000"; divCapText.style.zIndex = z; parentNode.appendChild(divCapText); fnRemove.push(function(){divCapText.parentNode.removeChild(divCapText);}); AddCaptionText(divCapTrans, divCapText, pbCaption); if (popBoxExpandCaptions == true && divCapText.hasChildNodes() == true) { var spanMore = divCapText.lastChild; if (spanMore && spanMore.onclick) { spanMore.id = CreateRandomId(); setTimeout(new Function("", "var spanMore = GetRawObject('" + spanMore.id + "'); if (spanMore != null && spanMore.onclick) { spanMore.onclick(); }"), 10); } } } if (fnRemove.length != 0) { if (objSpan != null) fnRemove.push(function(){objSpan.parentNode.removeChild(objSpan);}); if (isRevert == true) { if(popBox[obj.id].fnPre != null && typeof(popBox[obj.id].fnPre) == 'function') fnRemove.push(popBox[obj.id].fnPre); popBox[obj.id].fnPre = function(){for(var x = 0; x < fnRemove.length; x++){fnRemove[x]();}}; } else { pbPopBarFunc[obj.id] = function(){for(var x = 0; x < fnRemove.length; x++){fnRemove[x]();}}; } } } function AddCaptionText(divCapTrans, divCapText, caption) { var width = parseInt(divCapText.style.width, 10); var divSizer = document.createElement("div"); divSizer.style.position = "absolute"; divSizer.style.width = width + "px"; divSizer.style.margin = "0px"; divSizer.style.fontFamily = divCapText.style.fontFamily; divSizer.style.fontSize = divCapText.style.fontSize; divSizer.style.visibility = "hidden"; divSizer.innerHTML = caption; document.body.appendChild(divSizer); var newSize = GetObjectSize(divSizer); if (newSize.h > 20) { divSizer.innerHTML = caption + "..." + popBoxCaptionLessText; newSize = GetObjectSize(divSizer); var fullCaption = caption; var charCount = parseInt(width * 0.14, 10) - 5; // safe estimate divCapText.innerHTML = caption.substr(0, charCount) + "..."; var spanMore = document.createElement("span"); spanMore.style.color = "#0000ff"; spanMore.style.textDecoration = "underline"; spanMore.style.cursor = "pointer"; spanMore.onclick = function(){spanMore.parentNode.removeChild(spanMore);ResizeCaption(divCapTrans.id,divCapText.id,newSize.h,fullCaption);}; spanMore.innerHTML = popBoxCaptionMoreText; divCapText.appendChild(spanMore); } else divCapText.innerHTML = caption; document.body.removeChild(divSizer); } function ResizeCaption(divCapTrans, divCapText, height, caption) { if (typeof divCapTrans == "string") divCapTrans = GetRawObject(divCapTrans); if (typeof divCapText == "string") divCapText = GetRawObject(divCapText); var h = parseInt(divCapText.style.height, 10); var top = parseInt(divCapText.style.top, 10); if (h < height) { if (h == 20) { height += 10; divCapText.style.paddingTop = "5px"; divCapText.innerHTML = caption + "..."; var spanLess = document.createElement("span"); spanLess.style.color = "#0000ff"; spanLess.style.textDecoration = "underline"; spanLess.style.cursor = "pointer"; spanLess.onclick = function(){spanLess.parentNode.removeChild(spanLess);divCapText.innerHTML = caption;ResizeCaption(divCapTrans.id,divCapText.id,20,caption);}; spanLess.innerHTML = popBoxCaptionLessText; divCapText.appendChild(spanLess); if (popBoxCaptionBelow == false) { if (typeof divCapTrans.style.filter != 'undefined') divCapTrans.style.filter = ""; if (typeof divCapTrans.style.opacity != 'undefined') divCapTrans.style.opacity = "1.0"; } } if ((h + 10) >= height) { if (popBoxExpandCaptionsBelow == false) top -= (height - h); h = height; } else { if (popBoxExpandCaptionsBelow == false) top -= 10; h += 10; } divCapTrans.style.height = h + "px"; divCapText.style.height = h + "px"; divCapTrans.style.top = (top - 1) + "px"; divCapText.style.top = top + "px"; if (h != height) setTimeout("ResizeCaption(\"" + divCapTrans.id + "\",\"" + divCapText.id + "\"," + height + ",\"" + caption + "\")", 10); } else { if ((h - 10) <= height) { if (popBoxExpandCaptionsBelow == false) top += (h - height); h = height; } else { if (popBoxExpandCaptionsBelow == false) top += 10; h -= 10; } divCapTrans.style.height = h + "px"; divCapText.style.height = h + "px"; divCapTrans.style.top = (top - 1) + "px"; divCapText.style.top = top + "px"; divCapText.style.paddingTop = "0px"; if (h == height) { if (popBoxCaptionBelow == false) { if (typeof divCapTrans.style.filter != 'undefined') divCapTrans.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=70)"; if (typeof divCapTrans.style.opacity != 'undefined') divCapTrans.style.opacity = "0.7"; } AddCaptionText(divCapTrans, divCapText, caption); } else { setTimeout("ResizeCaption(\"" + divCapTrans.id + "\",\"" + divCapText.id + "\"," + height + ",\"" + caption + "\")", 10); } } } function CreateWaitImage(obj) { if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); var newId = "popBoxImgWait" + obj.id; var imgWait = GetRawObject(newId); if (imgWait != null) return imgWait; var left = 0; var top = 0; if (obj.style.position == "absolute" || obj.style.position == "relative") { left = parseInt(obj.style.left, 10); top = parseInt(obj.style.top, 10); } else { var xy = GetElementPosition(obj); left = xy.x; top = xy.y; var padding = GetObjectPadding(obj); left -= padding.l; top -= padding.t; } var width = parseInt(obj.style.width, 10); var height = parseInt(obj.style.height, 10); var size = GetObjectSize(obj); if (isNaN(width) == true) width = size.w; else if (size.w > width) left += ((size.w - width) / 2); if (isNaN(height) == true) height = size.h; else if (size.h > height) top += ((size.h - height) / 2); var parentNode = obj.parentNode; try{imgWait = document.createElement("");} catch(ex){imgWait = document.createElement("img"); imgWait.src = popBoxWaitImage.src;} imgWait.id = newId; imgWait.style.position = "absolute"; imgWait.style.left = (left + (width / 2) - (popBoxWaitImage.width / 2)) + "px"; imgWait.style.top = (top + (height / 2) - (popBoxWaitImage.height / 2)) + "px"; imgWait.style.cursor = obj.style.cursor; imgWait.style.zIndex = obj.style.zIndex + 1; parentNode.appendChild(imgWait); return imgWait; } // encapsulates the Popped image sizing logic function CalculateImageDimensions(newWidth, newHeight, fullWidth, fullHeight, windowSize) { if (newWidth == null) { if (newHeight == null) { newWidth = fullWidth; newHeight = fullHeight; } else if (newHeight == 0) { newHeight = Math.min(windowSize.y, fullHeight); var scale = parseFloat(newHeight) / parseFloat(fullHeight); newWidth = parseInt(fullWidth * scale); } else { var scale = parseFloat(newHeight) / parseFloat(fullHeight); newWidth = parseInt(fullWidth * scale); } } else if (newWidth == 0) { if (newHeight == null) { newWidth = Math.min(windowSize.x, fullWidth); var scale = parseFloat(newWidth) / parseFloat(fullWidth); newHeight = parseInt(fullHeight * scale); } else if (newHeight == 0) { if (windowSize.x < fullWidth || windowSize.y < fullHeight) { var scale = Math.min(parseFloat(windowSize.x) / parseFloat(fullWidth), parseFloat(windowSize.y) / parseFloat(fullHeight)); newWidth = parseInt(fullWidth * scale); newHeight = parseInt(fullHeight * scale); } else { newWidth = fullWidth; newHeight = fullHeight; } } else { var scale = parseFloat(newHeight) / parseFloat(fullHeight); newWidth = Math.min(windowSize.x, parseInt(fullWidth * scale)); } } else { if (newHeight == null) { var scale = parseFloat(newWidth) / parseFloat(fullWidth); newHeight = parseInt(fullHeight * scale); } else if (newHeight == 0) { var scale = parseFloat(newWidth) / parseFloat(fullWidth); newHeight = Math.min(windowSize.y, parseInt(fullHeight * scale)); } } return {x:newWidth, y:newHeight}; } function GetObjectToPop(obj) { if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); if (obj.id == "") obj.id = CreateRandomId(); var poppedSrc = obj.getAttribute('pbSrcNL'); if (poppedSrc == null && pbSrc[obj.id] == null) poppedSrc = obj.getAttribute('pbSrc'); if (poppedSrc != null && pbSrc[obj.id] == null) { var poppedImg = new Image(); poppedImg.src = poppedSrc; if (pbSrc[obj.id] != null) delete pbSrc[obj.id]; pbSrc[obj.id] = poppedImg; } return (pbSrc[obj.id] != null) ? pbSrc[obj.id] : obj; } function GetPoppedImageSize(obj) { var size = {x:0, y:0}; if (obj != null && typeof obj.id != 'undefined') { if (pbSrc[obj.id] != null) { size.x = pbSrc[obj.id].width; size.y = pbSrc[obj.id].height; } else if (obj.naturalWidth && obj.naturalHeight) { size.x = obj.naturalWidth; size.y = obj.naturalHeight; } else { var img = new Image(); img.src = obj.src; size.x = img.width; size.y = img.height; delete img; } } return size; } /*************************************************************************************************** * This is where the user-callable section starts. * Function signatures above this line are subject to change. ***************************************************************************************************/ // Globals you can assign var popBoxAutoClose = true; var popBoxMouseMoveRevert = true; var popBoxWaitImage = new Image(); popBoxWaitImage.src = "/images/spinner40.gif"; var popBoxShowRevertBar = false; var popBoxShowRevertText = true; var popBoxShowRevertImage = true; var popBoxRevertText = ""; var popBoxRevertImage = "/images/magminus.gif"; var popBoxRevertBarAbove = false; // there is no popBoxShowPopBar global, but instead the pbShowPopBar attribute must be // set on the img for the PopBar funtionality to work (can be true or false) var popBoxShowPopText = true; var popBoxShowPopImage = true; var popBoxPopText = "Click to expand."; var popBoxPopImage = "/images/magplus.gif"; var popBoxPopBarAbove = false; var popBoxShowCaption = true; var popBoxCaptionBelow = false; var popBoxCaptionMoreText = "more"; var popBoxCaptionLessText = "less"; var popBoxExpandCaptions = false; var popBoxExpandCaptionsBelow = false; // these custom attributes on the element will override the globals above // pbShowRevertBar, pbShowRevertText, pbShowRevertImage, pbRevertText, pbRevertImage // pbShowPopBar, pbShowPopText, pbShowPopImage, pbPopText, pbPopImage, pbShowCaption // Advanced method to begin moves and resizes. (Use Pop/PopEx and Revert where possible instead.) // X and Y postfixes refer to the top left pixel. W and H postfixes refer to the width and height // speedM and speedS are the speeds of the move and size respectively // className denotes the CSS class to apply to the object that is being moved and/or sized // fnDone denotes the script method to run when the move/resize is complete. It must have a single // parameter that holds the object itself. function PopBox(obj, startX, startY, endX, endY, startW, startH, endW, endH, speedM, speedS, className, fnDone) { if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); if (obj == null || typeof obj != "object" || isNaN(startX) || isNaN(startY) || isNaN(endX) || isNaN(endY) || isNaN(startW) || isNaN(startH) || isNaN(endW) || isNaN(endH) || isNaN(speedM) || isNaN(speedS)) return; var elem = InitPopBox(obj); if (popBox[elem.id].isAnimating == true) { var str = "PopBox('" + elem.id + "'," + startX + "," + startY + "," + endX + "," + endY + "," + startW + "," + startH + "," + endW + "," + endH + "," + speedM + "," + speedS + ",'" + className + "');"; setTimeout(str, 10); } else { popBox[elem.id].isAnimating = true; popBox[elem.id].xCurr = parseFloat(startX); popBox[elem.id].yCurr = parseFloat(startY); popBox[elem.id].wCurr = parseFloat(startW); popBox[elem.id].hCurr = parseFloat(startH); popBox[elem.id].xTarg = parseFloat(endX); popBox[elem.id].yTarg = parseFloat(endY); popBox[elem.id].wTarg = parseFloat(endW); popBox[elem.id].hTarg = parseFloat(endH); popBox[elem.id].xDelta = Math.abs(parseFloat(endX) - parseFloat(startX)); popBox[elem.id].yDelta = Math.abs(parseFloat(endY) - parseFloat(startY)); popBox[elem.id].wDelta = Math.abs(parseFloat(endW) - parseFloat(startW)); popBox[elem.id].hDelta = Math.abs(parseFloat(endH) - parseFloat(startH)); popBox[elem.id].velM = (speedM) ? Math.abs(parseFloat(speedM)) : 1.0; popBox[elem.id].velS = (speedS) ? Math.abs(parseFloat(speedS)) : 1.0; popBox[elem.id].xTravel = 0.0; popBox[elem.id].yTravel = 0.0; popBox[elem.id].wTravel = 0.0; popBox[elem.id].hTravel = 0.0; // set element's start position elem.style.position = "absolute"; elem.style.left = startX + "px"; elem.style.top = startY + "px"; // set element's start size elem.style.width = startW + "px"; elem.style.height = startH + "px"; elem.style.display = "inline"; // the length of the line between start and end points var lenMove = Math.sqrt((Math.pow((startX - endX), 2)) + (Math.pow((startY - endY), 2))); var lenSize = Math.sqrt((Math.pow((startW - endW), 2)) + (Math.pow((startH - endH), 2))); // if the speeds are the same then they should be in sync if (popBox[elem.id].velM == popBox[elem.id].velS) lenMove = lenSize = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(lenMove, 2) + Math.pow(lenSize, 2)); // how big the pixel steps are along each axis popBox[elem.id].xStep = ((popBox[elem.id].xTarg - popBox[elem.id].xCurr) / lenMove) * popBox[elem.id].velM; popBox[elem.id].yStep = ((popBox[elem.id].yTarg - popBox[elem.id].yCurr) / lenMove) * popBox[elem.id].velM; // how big the pixel steps are for each resize popBox[elem.id].wStep = ((popBox[elem.id].wTarg - popBox[elem.id].wCurr) / lenSize) * popBox[elem.id].velS; popBox[elem.id].hStep = ((popBox[elem.id].hTarg - popBox[elem.id].hCurr) / lenSize) * popBox[elem.id].velS; popBox[elem.id].fnDone = fnDone; if (className != null) elem.className = className; popBox[elem.id].cursor = elem.style.cursor; elem.style.cursor = "default"; if (popBox[elem.id].isPopped == false) elem.style.zIndex = ++popBoxZ; var id = elem.id; if (popBox[elem.id].originalId != null) id = popBox[elem.id].originalId; if (pbPopBarFunc[id] != null) { pbPopBarFunc[id](); pbPopBarFunc[id] = null; } if (popBox[elem.id].fnPre != null && typeof popBox[elem.id].fnPre == 'function') popBox[elem.id].fnPre(); // start the repeated invocation of the animation popBox[elem.id].interval = setInterval("DoPopBox('" + elem.id + "')", 10); } } /*************************************************************************************************** * Helper functions. Use these! They are much easier. Call Pop/PopEx and then Revert, or set the * popBoxAutoClose global to true and Revert will be called for you. ***************************************************************************************************/ // this basic method centers the image in the browser and displays it at its full resolution, subject to window size. function Pop(obj, speed, className) { PopEx(obj, null, null, 0, 0, speed, className); } // If newLeft is null then the image is centered horizontally in the browser. Ditto for newTop (vertically). // End newLeft and/or newTop with "A" for an absolute position, otherwise it is treated as a relative position. // Ex: a newLeft of 20 would move right 20 pixels, "20A" would position 20 pixels from the left of it's containing element. // If newWidth is 0 then the full image width is used, subject to scaling and window size. Ditto for newHeight. // If newWidth is null the full width is used, regardless of window size, but still subject to scaling. Ditto for newHeight. function PopEx(obj, newLeft, newTop, newWidth, newHeight, speed, className) { if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); var objToPop = GetObjectToPop(obj); var isReady = (typeof objToPop.readyState != 'undefined') ? (objToPop.readyState == "complete") : ((typeof objToPop.complete != 'undefined') ? (objToPop.complete == true) : true); if (isReady == false) { var imgWait = CreateWaitImage(obj); var str = "var imgWait = GetRawObject('" + imgWait.id + "'); if (imgWait != null) { imgWait.parentNode.removeChild(imgWait); } PopEx('" + obj.id + "',"; if (newLeft == null) str += newLeft + ","; else str += "'" + newLeft + "',"; if (newTop == null) str += newTop + ","; else str += "'" + newTop + "',"; str += newWidth + "," + newHeight + "," + speed + ",'" + className + "');"; objToPop.onload = new Function("", str); return; } var elem = InitPopBox(obj); if (popBox[elem.id].isPopped == true) return; if (typeof elem.ondblclick == "function") elem.onclick = elem.ondblclick; var startX = parseInt(elem.style.left); var startY = parseInt(elem.style.top); // figure out the max window size var windowSize = GetInsideWindowSize(); var hasRevertBar = HasRevertBar(obj); var hasCaption = HasCaption(obj); if (hasRevertBar == true && popBoxRevertBarAbove == true) windowSize.y -= 20; if (hasCaption == true && popBoxCaptionBelow == true) windowSize.y -= 20; var fullSize = {x:newWidth, y:newHeight}; if (newWidth == 0 || newHeight == 0 || newWidth == null || newHeight == null) { fullSize = GetPoppedImageSize(elem); // some browsers have a race condition where it still doesn't get set so just fill the window if (fullSize.x == 0 || fullSize.y == 0) { var scale = Math.min(parseFloat(windowSize.x) / parseFloat(elem.width), parseFloat(windowSize.y) / parseFloat(elem.height)); fullSize.x = parseInt(elem.width * scale); fullSize.y = parseInt(elem.height * scale); } } // adjust window size variables for new image boundaries if (newLeft != null) { if (typeof newLeft == "string" && newLeft.indexOf("A") == (newLeft.length - 1)) newLeft = parseInt(newLeft, 10); else newLeft = popBox[elem.id].xOriginal + parseInt(newLeft, 10); windowSize.x -= newLeft; } if (newTop != null) { if (typeof newTop == "string" && newTop.indexOf("A") == (newTop.length - 1)) newTop = parseInt(newTop, 10); else newTop = popBox[elem.id].yOriginal + parseInt(newTop, 10); windowSize.y -= newTop; } // adjust for scrollbars that might appear (quick compromise for browser incompatibilities) if (newWidth == null && newHeight == 0 && fullSize.x > (windowSize.x - 20)) windowSize.y -= 20; else if (newWidth == 0 && newHeight == null && fullSize.y > (windowSize.y - 4)) windowSize.x -= 4; var newSize = CalculateImageDimensions(newWidth, newHeight, fullSize.x, fullSize.y, windowSize); // width and height are now set, so position it if (newLeft == null || newTop == null) { var scroll = GetScrollOffset(); if (newLeft == null) { newLeft = ((windowSize.x / 2) + scroll.x) - (newSize.x / 2); if (newLeft < 0) newLeft = 0; } if (newTop == null) { newTop = ((windowSize.y / 2) + scroll.y) - (newSize.y / 2); if (hasRevertBar == true && popBoxRevertBarAbove == true) newTop += 10; if (hasCaption == true && popBoxCaptionBelow == true) newTop -= 10; if (newTop < 0) newTop = 0; } } var func = null; if (typeof PostPopProcessing == "function") func = PostPopProcessing; if (typeof PrePopProcessing == "function") PrePopProcessing(obj); PopBox(elem, startX, startY, newLeft, newTop, popBox[elem.id].wOriginal, popBox[elem.id].hOriginal, newSize.x, newSize.y, speed, speed, className, func); } function PopInPlace(obj, speed, className) { if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); var objToPop = GetObjectToPop(obj); var isReady = (typeof objToPop.readyState != 'undefined') ? (objToPop.readyState == "complete") : ((typeof objToPop.complete != 'undefined') ? (objToPop.complete == true) : true); if (isReady == false) { var imgWait = CreateWaitImage(obj); var str = "var imgWait = GetRawObject('" + imgWait.id + "'); if (imgWait != null) { imgWait.parentNode.removeChild(imgWait); } PopInPlace('" + obj.id + "'," + speed + ",'" + className + "');"; objToPop.onload = new Function("", str); return; } var elem = InitPopBox(obj); if (popBox[elem.id].isPopped == true) return; if (typeof elem.ondblclick == "function") elem.onclick = elem.ondblclick; var startX = parseInt(elem.style.left); var startY = parseInt(elem.style.top); // figure out the max window size var windowSize = GetInsideWindowSize(); var hasRevertBar = HasRevertBar(obj); var hasCaption = HasCaption(obj); if (hasRevertBar == true && popBoxRevertBarAbove == true) windowSize.y -= 20; if (hasCaption == true && popBoxCaptionBelow == true) windowSize.y -= 20; var fullSize = GetPoppedImageSize(elem); // some browsers have a race condition where it still doesn't get set so just fill the window if (fullSize.x == 0 || fullSize.y == 0) { var scale = Math.min(parseFloat(windowSize.x) / parseFloat(elem.width), parseFloat(windowSize.y) / parseFloat(elem.height)); fullSize.x = parseInt(elem.width * scale); fullSize.y = parseInt(elem.height * scale); } var newSize = CalculateImageDimensions(0, 0, fullSize.x, fullSize.y, windowSize); var newLeft = startX - parseInt(((newSize.x - popBox[elem.id].wOriginal) / 2), 10); var newTop = startY - parseInt(((newSize.y - popBox[elem.id].hOriginal) / 2), 10); // have the best case position, now adjust it if it would expand beyond the window var scroll = GetScrollOffset(); if (scroll.x > newLeft) { newLeft = scroll.x; } else { var xOffset = ((newLeft + newSize.x) - (windowSize.x + scroll.x)); if (xOffset > 0) newLeft -= xOffset; } if (scroll.y > newTop) { newTop = scroll.y; } else { var yOffset = ((newTop + newSize.y) - (windowSize.y + scroll.y)); if (yOffset > 0) newTop -= yOffset; } if (hasRevertBar == true && popBoxRevertBarAbove == true) newTop += 10; if (hasCaption == true && popBoxCaptionBelow == true) newTop -= 10; if (newTop < 0) newTop = 0; var func = null; if (typeof PostPopProcessing == "function") func = PostPopProcessing; if (typeof PrePopProcessing == "function") PrePopProcessing(obj); PopBox(elem, startX, startY, newLeft, newTop, popBox[elem.id].wOriginal, popBox[elem.id].hOriginal, newSize.x, newSize.y, speed, speed, className, func); } // Helper function for PopBox to move/resize the image back to its original position/size. Use this! It's much easier. function Revert(obj, speed, className) { if (typeof obj == "string") obj = GetRawObject(obj); if (obj == null || typeof popBox[obj.id] == "undefined" || popBox[obj.id] == null) return; if (typeof speed == 'undefined' || speed == null || speed == 0) speed = Math.max(popBox[obj.id].velM, popBox[obj.id].velS); if (typeof className == 'undefined') className = popBox[obj.id].originalClassName; var func = null; if (typeof PostRevertProcessing == "function") func = PostRevertProcessing; if (typeof PreRevertProcessing == "function") PreRevertProcessing(obj); PopBox(obj, popBox[obj.id].xTarg, popBox[obj.id].yTarg, popBox[obj.id].xOriginal, popBox[obj.id].yOriginal, popBox[obj.id].wTarg, popBox[obj.id].hTarg, popBox[obj.id].wOriginal, popBox[obj.id].hOriginal, speed, speed, className, func); } // Helper function to revert all images. function RevertAll(speed, className) { for (var i = 0; i < popBoxIds.length; i++) Revert(popBoxIds[i], speed, className); } /*************************************************************************************************** * These methods are the pre and post processing events for Pop/PopEx and Revert. * Feel free to copy them to your own page script and add your own code to the method bodies. ***************************************************************************************************/ // called before the Pop begins // The parameter is the original object //function PrePopProcessing(obj) //{ //} // called after the pop is complete // The parameter is the copy of the object that is resized //function PostPopProcessing(obj) //{ //} // called before the Revert begins // The parameter is the copy of the object that is resized //function PreRevertProcessing(obj) //{ //} // called after the Revert is complete // The parameter is the original object //function PostRevertProcessing(obj) //{ //}